Our Holy Father Epiphanius, Bishop of
Our father among the saints Epiphanius
of Cyprus was Bishop of Salamis on the island of Cyprus and, later,
Bishop of Cyprus during the latter part of the fourth century. He was
known for his great zeal for the faith, his love and charity toward
the poor, and simplicity of character. He is known for composing a
large compendium of the heresies in his time. He was well educated
and became a Christian after seeing how a monk named Lucian gave away
his clothing to a poor person. After his baptism, he became a member
of a monastery in Egypt under the guidance of the elder St. Hilarion
the Great. In 402, at the urging of Abp. Theophilus of Alexandria,
Epiphanius traveled to Constantinople to support Theophilus in his
campaign against Abp. John Chrysostom of Constantinople, and the four
"Tall Brothers" monks. When he realized he was being used
as a tool by Theophilus against John, who had given refuge to the
monks persecuted by Theophilus and had appealed to the emperor,
Epiphanius returned to Salamis, only to die on the way home in 403.
Our Holy Father Germanus, Patriarch of Constantinople.
St. Germanus was born in Constantinople
about the year 645, the son of the patrician Juatinianus. Germanus
was then sent to a monastery from which he entered into the service
to the church. He was the Patriarch of Constantinople from 715 to
730. At the Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787, his name was added to
the list of saints. He wrote a number of works. Among these works are
the book "Meditation on Church Matters or Commentary on the
Liturgy", more commonly known as On the Divine Liturgy, an
explanation of passages of Holy Scripture, letters about veneration
of icons, hymns in praise of the saints, and discourses on the Feasts
of Presentation of the Theotokos, the Annunciation, and the Dormition
of the Most Holy Theotokos.
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